The midterm exams are over. Now it’s time to prepare for the finals.
Thursday-Friday class – scroll down to the bottom
Hour 1 Monday and Tuesday Class
Pair work discussion (10)
Describe the cause and effect connection in each question.
- How do smartphones affect elementary school kids?
- How does travelling affect people?
- How do academies affect elementary school children?
- How does Joseon Hell affect millennials?
- How does BTS affect people’s sanity?
Make a plan (5)
This is week 9 of the semester. You have to complete 2 small projects quickly. I strongly suggest you finish these two projects ASAP.
- Book Report #2. Read a new book and write a 2-page report. The due date is the last class of week 12. (10%)
- Complete a listening exercise. You must finish and hand in this assignment next week. (10%)
What have we done so far? – Critical thinking toolbox (5)
Before the exam, we did a few exercises that teach specific critical thinking skills.
- SEE CAUSE AND EFFECT CONNECTIONS: learn about one social issue and see it within a bigger context; that social problems are interconnected (video about UBI, AI, drugs)
- CORRELATIONS: use the language of correlations to describe social change (the richer the country, the longer people live, murder by gunshot and ice cream sales) and learn that correlation is not the same as causation
- INFERENCES: look at a picture of a murder scene and learn to see evidence that can help you make conclusions (rather than just facts)
- INTERESTS: a negotiation exercise that teaches people to use positions and interest in order to understand others’ motivation (sell a gas station)
- CRITICAL READING: read a koan, retell the story and find the message ( e.g. 3 blind people and the elephant, empty pot, etc)
- CRITERIA: guidelines to make logical arguments when saying one thing is better than another (which one is better ice cream or sulbing?)
Next – arguments
- what is an argument? (5)
- worksheets (30)
- video analysis (10)
- advertisement analysis (10)
What is an argument? (5)
- claim plus premise
Pair Work (20)
Complete the questions with your partner. Make answers. Review some answers on the board.
Here is the worksheet.
Video Analysis (10)
Click here to find the two videos for this analysis.
Print Analysis (10)
Click here to find the two print ads for this analysis.
Hour 2
Monday-Tuesday Listening Homework (5)
Monday-Tuesday Homework (10)
A – Video China
B – Video Why our screens make us less happy
C – Video Jordan Peterson
Textbook (20)
Page 48 (10)
read and then listen
page 49 answer questions B and C
Page 49, #2 (5)
explain how the word in each green box are similar and different
Page 49, #3 grammar – past perfect simple (15)
- Read the slide show.
- Then try the exercises on 3 b.
Hour 3
Monday-Tuesday Retell a Story (20)
Part 1
You will get a short story about food. Your aim is to read critically and find the most important information. Use the 6Q note taking method.
Part 2
Make a small group and retell your story. Create an argument. Talk about the most important facts that support the argument.
Hour 1
Pair work conversation (10)
- Have you ever flown to another country?
- Have you ever gone backpacking?
- Have you ever hitched hiked?
- Have you ever gone on a package tour? If yes, how was that?
- Can you say 5 parts of an airplane?
- Can you say 3 important places in an airport?
- What’s the difference between a boarding pass and ticket?
- What’s the difference between checked bags and carry on?
- Where in an airport might you have to take off your shoes?
Make a plan (5)
This is week 9 of the semester. You have to complete 2 small projects quickly. I strongly suggest you finish these two projects ASAP.
- Complete a listening exercise. You must finish by Friday of week 12. (10%)
- Book Report #2. Read a new book and write a 2-page report. The due date is Friday of week 12. (10%)
Listening homework (15)
Here is how to register for the online class.
Video instructions
Click the link to open the video. It explain how to create an account and register for the Skills Builder 1 course.
Schedule (5)
- Week 9 (May 2) Regular classes, choose book #2 to read
- Week 10 (May 9) Regular classes
- Week 11 (May 16) Regular classes
- Week 12 (May 23) Finish listening course. Hand in book report #2 (Friday of the week – on paper, no email and no lates)
- Week 13 (May 30) Return book report #2.
- Week 14 (June 6) Thursday holiday. Last week of regular classes. Exam review.
- Week 15 (June 13) Make up week – no regular classes.
- Week 16 (June 20) Final exams
Homework for Friday class (5)
I will give you a short story. You have to read the story.
Tomorrow you will make a small group with 3 people and tell your story. Each story is different.
When you read your story, make notes. Use the 6Q reading method.
Hour 2
Textbook (30)
Page 47 (5)
What do you know about these places? Where are they? Why are they famous?
Page 48 (10)
Exploring and rewards,
Read and then listen.
Page 49 answer questions B and C.
Page 49, #2 (10)
Explain how the word in each green box are similar and different.
Fill in the blanks.
Page 49, #3 grammar – past perfect simple (15)
- Read the slide show.
- Then try the exercises on 3 b.
Book page 51 #5
Read the questions. Listen and make notes.
Hour 3
Pair work (15)
Retell your food story. Listen to other stories. Ask questions. Have a conversation about the history of food.
Book page 53, 4b packing (10)
Listen and answer the questions in B and C.
Textbook page 53 #2, Compound Nouns (15)
Match the words to make a compound noun.
Here is vocabulary worksheet. Try more compound noun exercises