It’s week 11. Time to hand in an assignment.
Hour 1
Assignment #3 (5%)
Due this week (Tuesday or Friday)
- 1-2 pages
- good presentation: double spaced, margins, paragraphs
- clear demonstration of a story structure
Time to Write (40)
You have some free time to write or rewrite assignment #3. It is due at the beginning of the class tomorrow.
Hour 2
Population Pyramid – Assignment #4
Writing Task: write a 2-4 page report which analyses the changes in the population pyramid.
- Describe the projected change between 1980 and 2015.
- Explain some of the causes of this change.
- Explain some of the consequences of this change.
- Write a report with a story.
- Use hedge words and the correct verbs to describe change.
Tasks 2 and 3 require some critical thinking, Use your imagination. Think creatively.
Task Notes
Assignment #3
hand in
Free writing (10)
Yes …. Yes … Yes ….
Describe Change (10)
Review model answers at the end of the slide show.
Introduce Hedge Terms (10)
KEY POINT: This slide show teaches students the meaning and purpose of hedge terms. It also provides 4 examples of words and phrases that can be used to write sentences with a hedge.
Practice (10)
Students to apply knowledge by completing worksheet questions to review hedging. Suggested answers are at the bottom of the worksheet.
Hour 3
Textbook page 107 (5)
Learn how to punctuate a quote.
- Read the blue box.
- Find the quote.
- Notice how it is punctuated.
Book page 107 green box (5)
- See the rules.
- See the verbs.
Book page 107 part A (10)
Practice punctuating.
Textbook page 104 (30)
This is a chance to practice your ability to analyse data and write a short report.
Look at the chart.
Answer the questions and then read the problem at the bottom of the page. Write your answer on page 105 or a separate piece of paper.