Hour 1
Pair Work Q&A (10)
Food questions.
Have you ever … (eat, cook, see, try, made)
- grilled pork chops
- spicy cold noodles
- steamed vegetables
- fried eggs
- mashed potatoes
- pork and rice soup
- soybean stew
- barbecued beef small intestines
- raw fish
- smoked salmon
Food Listening Quiz (10)
- Listen to quiz. Write down your answers.
- Check answers
- The listening food quiz is here.
Review Homework (10)
- Read page 22-23 in the textbook. Read the story and answer the questions on page 23, C and D.
- page 24, 2d #1 – vocabulary (learn the words and separate into two groups — negative and positive)
Negative Questions (10)
A few notes about how to answer negative questions.
Textbook, Page 26 (10)
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
Hour 2
A Couple of Grammar Ideas (15)
Read the slide show.
Then do page 23, 3D in the textbook.
Textbook, Page 28 (10)
- Read the dialogue on page 28.
- Circle unknown words.
- Listen
Textbook, Page 28, bottom of page (5)
- Answer questions in yellow boxes.
- Circle unknown words.
Textbook, Page 29, 2 vocabulary (10)
- Read the sentences.
- Learn the bold words.
- Put bold words in groups: good and bad meaning.
- Say 2 examples for each word.
Hour 3
Homework (5)
- Textbook page 32 and 33.
- Read story page 32.
- Answer questions C and D.
- Page 33, answer #2 (vocabulary make verbs from nouns).
Mon-Tues Textbook, Page 31, #4 (10)
Listen and guess the words.
Write the words in your notebook.
Numbers (15)
Here is a review of countable nouns plus a lesson in saying and hearing big numbers.
- Ask partner you a question.
- Partner makes a full sentence answer. You listen and write down the number.
- Partner asks you a question. You make an answer with a number from your paper.
- Partner writes down your number.
Food Word Games (10)
- Look at the food worksheet. Answer the questions.
- Here is the food worksheet.
Mon-Tues Video (10)
A Single Life
A Decade
?? Verb tense review (30)
Look at the slide show. Answer the questions with a partner