It’s week 4 of the writing class.
Review (5)
This is week 4 of the writing module. So far we have learned and practised 3 writing skills.
What are they?
This week (5)
This week, there are two writing skills: one easy and one challenging. Both are related to a degree.
The skills are:
- editing wordy sentences
- using better verbs
Editing Wordy Sentences (10)
Read this slide show.
Worksheets: Proofreading Exercises (20)
These worksheets contain exercises which can help students improve their writing and vocabulary by eliminating redundant words and expletives.
Using Better Verbs (20)
A quick presentation to suggest that learning more verbs is good for you.
Tiny Story (30)
This is a pair work writing exercise. It is challenging because you have to describe the action of a ball and line as they try to illustrate a concept. This exercise asks you to expand and improve your understanding of verbs.
Suggested Writing Process
- watch the video 2 times
- make notes
- brainstorm verbs for each action
- write a list of draft of sentences
- edit and polish
- finish with error-free sentences that describe action and interaction with precise verbs
Tiny Story from Sebas and Clim on Vimeo.